Open Hour 2023-MAR-16

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  • General updates and announcements
  • RC1 testing
  • Salt Project user group meetups
  • Demos for Salt Open Hour
  • Salt-describe demo
  • Q&A plus discussion

General updates and announcements

  • Open Hours are held every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 10a.m. to 11a.m. Pacific.
  • Our next Open Hour will be April 6.
  • Join a Salt Project working group!

RC1 testing

The RC1 release is out!

Salt Project user group meetups

Nicholas Hughes is working on a community-led effort to host some more in-person Salt events. These would be:

  • Single-day events.
  • Within a reasonable distance.
  • Speakers giving sessions that are possibly recorded so that people who can’t attend in person can still participate.
  • And of course: food and chances to do some social networking.

Go to to join a mailing list for updates and let us know you are interested.

Demos for Salt Open Hour

If you’d like to see a demo on a particular topic, send your requests to Chunga on the community Slack.

Salt-describe demo with Gareth Greenaway

  • Eventually we’re going to move some modules into Salt extensions to reduce the burden on the core Salt team and to increase the frequency for releases on those modules.
  • On that note, Gareth presented a Salt extension runner that can easily build Salt state files from existing machines.
  • This project started as a VMware hackathon project and was loosely inspired by IDEM describe.
  • Open sourced:
  • You can watch the demo on the recording of the meeting posted on YouTube (link in the top of the post).
  • There was a robust Q&A session about the demo that also included discussions about Heist.
  • Check out Salt Describe and give the team some feedback.

Q&A plus discussion

Q: Do you have any plans firmed up to fix salt extensions index to make Salt extensions more discoverable?

  • A: The short answer is yes, but we’re currently investigating the best mechanism for doing that. Gareth is the one taking that workload on, but it’s still in the research phase.
  • We’re investigating a way to build a nice platform that makes them easy to find and rate.

Q: I’ve been looking at saltdocker lately and understand it’s not officially supported. Is there any plan to officially support that? There are some open issues and merge requests from some time ago.

  • A: The free tier for teams for Docker is going away and so we currently don’t know if there’s any plan to support that. We’ll keep thinking about it.

Q: You had let everyone know about the RC1 for 3006. There’s been some confusion about how the RC repository is set up. Any comment on that?

  • A: Can you drop us a link to that conversation on Slack and we’ll investigate? Yes, it’s in #releases.
  • We are in the process of changing the CI/CD pipelines for GitHub Actions and some of the process is still getting hashed out as we do the releases, so it’s pushing out to another directory now. It might be related to that process.

Q: The minion file cache is not deleting files if you remove a file on the master and it leaves artifacts on the minion. Does everyone agree that it should be a mirror replica of of what’s on the master? See

  • A: We agree!


Feel free to tell us what you think about Open Hour on the Salt Project Community Slack.