Salt 3007 RC1 is now available

The Salt Project has just released RC1 (release candidate 1) of the Salt 3007 STS. To download and test Salt 3007 RC1, see Install a release candidate in the Salt install guide. To access the release candidate packages directly, go to the Salt Project Package Repository.

Users can install via PyPI, packages, or use the Docker containers.

We support differing versions between master and minions, but as always it is recommended to upgrade your master first.

If you find any issues with Salt or the packaging, open an issue here:

What is the new LTS/STS release strategy for Salt? 

LTS/STS release strategy and release timelines can be found in the Salt Install Guide: Salt Version Support Lifecycle.

What action is needed from Salt users and community members? 

The Salt Project strongly encourages Salt community members, users, and stakeholders to carefully test RC1 (release candidate 1) and report any bugs or performance issues to the Salt team prior to the LTS release to ensure final release quality. 

To download and test the release candidate: see Install a release candidate in the Salt install guide. To access the release candidate packages directly, go to the Salt Project Package Repository.