salt-bootstrap Breakage and Next Steps: New Updates

UPDATE (2024-10-31): This article details how to download the salt-bootstrap scripts from a new location, but the salt-bootstrap scripts themselves don’t currently work with the new repositories. For more details: Salt Install Guide Overhaul and salt-bootstrap updates

UPDATE (2024-11-07): A new version of salt-bootstrap has been released, making use of the repositories. For more details: Salt Project Blog - New salt-bootstrap release: v2024.11.07

UPDATE (2024-12-04): Salt Project has extended the availability of the bootstrap and winbootstrap subdomains to January 6th 2025, we will no longer be using the and subdomains. Instead, users will be downloading bootstrap scripts directly from GitHub Releases. For more details: Upcoming bootstrap subdomain decommission

Salt Project Community Members!

Due to DNS and infrastructure migrations, there was an unexpected breakage with downloading of the salt-bootstrap script.

Details about this were originally shared in salt-bootstrap Breakage and Next Steps, but the initial remedy is not sustainable in the long-term due to the nature of GitHub Pages hosting and rate limiting. With this in mind, Salt Project will be using links to GitHub releases instead of and subdomains.

The subdomain approach to downloading the bootstrap script, the method referenced in the above blog post, will be deprecated by end of November 2024. If that method is used throughout the month, users may experience degraded behavior later in the month due to monthly rate limits.

salt-bootstrap solution: GitHub Releases

The target, released scripts for bootstrap are hosted here:

sha256 files are hosted here:

These links dynamically update when a new release of salt-bootstrap occurs, always downloading the artifacts from the latest release in GitHub Releases.

Downloading for Linux

# Linux
curl -o -L

Downloading for Windows

# Windows
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls12'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile "$env:TEMP\bootstrap-salt.ps1"
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
& "$env:TEMP\bootstrap-salt.ps1"

Next Steps

We are in the process of updating documentation to reflect the needed changes and updates, as we will not be able to revert to previous functionalities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we work to improve your Salt Project experience.

– Salt Project Team