Most Recent Episode

Sep 10, 2024

Right To Repair, Why So Controversial?

For some reason, across all industries, the term “right to repair” has become extremely controversial. The desire to take full control of your tech, car, home, and health is really causing a stir with with a huge cross section of society, including…


Recommended Episodes

Jul 30, 2024

STRIKE! Is A.I. Ruining Video Games?

In his other life, Chunga is a voice actor and is a member of several acting unions. Lately, that means he’s always on strike for one reason or another. Well, its happening again… This time, voice actors are striking against the video game…

Jul 16, 2024


Tom has lost his wallet! This has never happened before! If you find it, will you please let him know? Although his fresh back from his vacation, Tom is feeling anything but relaxed and recharged. In truth, he feels like he came home…

Jun 18, 2024

Data Center Drama

For a long time, Tom has wanted to do an episode of The Hacks that’s centered around what he refers to as data center “bloopers”. Chunga isn’t entirely sure what he means by this. Tom has always been amazed by the cathedral like way in which data…


All Episodes

Sep 27, 2022

Super Nerd Spotlight! "The Origin Guys"

Tom is losing his mind. Chunga has been bugging him to do a new Super Nerd Spotlight episode of The Hacks. Tom has been insisting that the two of them have done one of these recently. Much to Chunga’s delight, Tom is wrong! For today’s episode,…

Sep 20, 2022

Why Do Software Companies "Pivot" at the Drop of a Hat?

It seems like software companies are doing this more and more lately. Have you noticed it? For reasons that are often unknown to the masses, a software company will pivot and change not only their entire business model but their product as well! When…

Sep 14, 2022

PyPi Is Having Malware and Phishing Problems

Shout out to Derek Ardolf! He’s one of the rock stars on the Salt Core team. A few days ago, he sent Chunga a handful of different blogs and news articles about PyPi, which sent Chunga into a massive rabbit hole. The articles and blogs were all about…

Sep 6, 2022

VMware Explore! We Saw Some Great Stuff!

Tom and Chunga have just returned from their first in-person convention in 3-years! VMware Explore was held last week in San Francisco and what a crazy and educational week it was! For both of the Hacks, the experience was both weird and…

Aug 30, 2022

Python Packaging and Distribution. IT SUCKS!!!!

Don’t make Tom Hatch angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry… Do you want to know what really sends him into a rage? Packaging and distributing Python software. Tom says this process is an all-encompassing disaster! It’s something that…

Aug 23, 2022

In-Person Meetings & Overcoming the "Imposter Syndrome"!

The pandemic is slowly inching its way into the history books and becoming a chapter that is part of our generation. Companies are starting their slow return back to the way they did things before all of this happened. This includes conferences,…
