Most Recent Episode

Sep 10, 2024

Right To Repair, Why So Controversial?

For some reason, across all industries, the term “right to repair” has become extremely controversial. The desire to take full control of your tech, car, home, and health is really causing a stir with with a huge cross section of society, including…


Recommended Episodes

Jul 30, 2024

STRIKE! Is A.I. Ruining Video Games?

In his other life, Chunga is a voice actor and is a member of several acting unions. Lately, that means he’s always on strike for one reason or another. Well, its happening again… This time, voice actors are striking against the video game…

Jul 16, 2024


Tom has lost his wallet! This has never happened before! If you find it, will you please let him know? Although his fresh back from his vacation, Tom is feeling anything but relaxed and recharged. In truth, he feels like he came home…

Jun 18, 2024

Data Center Drama

For a long time, Tom has wanted to do an episode of The Hacks that’s centered around what he refers to as data center “bloopers”. Chunga isn’t entirely sure what he means by this. Tom has always been amazed by the cathedral like way in which data…


All Episodes

Aug 16, 2022

What Do You Want In a Data Center?

Tom has been searching for something most of us don’t really think about. He’s looking for space in a data center. It may come as a surprise, but it’s a much more involved process than you may think! Chunga finds that statement fascinating. For…

Aug 12, 2022

**BONUS EPISODE** Tom and Chunga Screwed Up!

Tom and Chunga learned something new about you recently. You don’t like it when they talk about fitness! They are both very, very, sorry! They’d like to make it up to you with a bonus episode. Today, Tom and Chunga are talking about something…

Aug 9, 2022

How Secure Is Your Tech Job?

Wow, what a difference a few weeks can make! Do you remember when everyone was talking about, and participating in the “great resignation”? Everyone was quitting their jobs and jumping to new opportunities that offered better benefits and more…

Aug 2, 2022

Fitness and Tech / Tech and Fitness!

Tom is still recovering from Covid. Somedays he feels great, and other days, he feels horrible. This has been really tough for him, because even though he’s “better”, he still can’t exercise like he usually does. To make things worse, the less he…

Jul 26, 2022

What Does a Chief Open Source Officer Actually Do?

Tom Hatch is still waging a valiant battle against Covid! Nevertheless, he’s excited to be doing this episode of The Hacks. Today, He and Chunga are talking about what a Chief Open Source Officer actually does. It’s a mysterious position…

Jul 19, 2022

Open Source is Dominant--and Dangerous!

Tom is back from his long, super summer vacation! How did it go? Not well, not well at all… Now that he’s back, Chunga has a bunch of questions about an article that Tom sent him. It’s about the dangerous vulnerabilities of open source…
