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Jul 16, 2024


Tom has lost his wallet! This has never happened before! If you find it, will you please let him know? Although his fresh back from his vacation, Tom is feeling anything but relaxed and recharged. In truth, he feels like he came home…


Recommended Episodes

Jul 5, 2023

Shadow IT Makes the World Turn

Tom and Chunga want to give Derek Ardolf a huge shout out! Recently, Derek requested that The Hacks do an episode focused on “Shadow IT”. Tom loved this idea because shadow IT runs the world! Simply put, the tech industry wouldn’t be able…

Jun 27, 2023

Red Hat To Restrict Source Code Access!

Tom and Chunga have breaking news! Late last week, open source giant Red Hat announced that they have decided to restrict its source code. To say it’s a move that has raised eyebrows around the world, would be an understatement. Before he…

May 9, 2023

Putting the "A.I. Genie" Back In The Bottle

You may have noticed that The Hacks missed an episode last week. We are proud to announce that Tom Hatch and his beautiful wife Melissa have had a baby!! Everyone is doing great and adapting quickly thanks to an abundance of new tech. Now days,…


All Episodes

May 28, 2024

The Cloud Shell Game

Hey everybody, its Toms birthday! Happy Birthday old man!! Today on The Hacks, Chunga wants to talk about tech’s dirty little secret. This secret, by the way, is how much of the tech industry actually survives! He’s talking about “shelfware” and…

May 21, 2024

Tom Hatch Exits Broadcom, But Will Stay With Salt Forever!

One thing that’s constant in life is change… It’s been a bittersweet few days to say the least. In this episode of The Hacks, Tom Hatch, the creator of Salt, talks with Chunga about the changes taking place in his life and announces his exit…

May 14, 2024

IBM Buys HashiCorp! Seismic Industry Shift, or... Meh.

It looks like the rumors were true! Recently, IBM announced that they are buying HashiCorp (and Terraform) for a cool 6.4 billion dollars, in cash. Tom and Chunga both find themselves asking the question, “Why did IBM choose to do this?” They already…

Apr 30, 2024

Do You Need To Be A "Hardware Guy", To Be A Good "Software Guy"?

Tom and Chunga both developed a passion for computers in a similar way. Neither one of them started out as a “software guy”. Rather, they each got started by building and modifying their own custom built computers. They were “hardware guys”, first!…

Apr 23, 2024

The Government Wants Big Tech to Ditch E2EE. Do You?

We live in strange and challenging times. When it comes to world events, one can find themselves, in a word, conflicted. Thats definitely the case for Chunga when it comes to todays topic. Recently, the U.S. Government voted to continue the practice…

Apr 16, 2024

Stability AI's Mistakes, and How YOU Can Avoid Them

Tom and Chunga are tired, TIRED of talking about AI! They need a dang break from talking about AI!! Are they going to get a break in this episode of The Hacks? Nope… Well, ok, kind of. At the start of the year, Tom predicted one of…
