Most Recent Episode

Sep 3, 2024

Are North Korean Spies Working In Your Office?!

It’s happened… The summer is officially over. It’s time for all of us to buckle down and settle in to our normal, non-summer time routines. For some companies and organizations these routines can lead to complacency and laziness. Which is…


Recommended Episodes

Jul 30, 2024

STRIKE! Is A.I. Ruining Video Games?

In his other life, Chunga is a voice actor and is a member of several acting unions. Lately, that means he’s always on strike for one reason or another. Well, its happening again… This time, voice actors are striking against the video game…

Jul 16, 2024


Tom has lost his wallet! This has never happened before! If you find it, will you please let him know? Although his fresh back from his vacation, Tom is feeling anything but relaxed and recharged. In truth, he feels like he came home…

Jun 18, 2024

Data Center Drama

For a long time, Tom has wanted to do an episode of The Hacks that’s centered around what he refers to as data center “bloopers”. Chunga isn’t entirely sure what he means by this. Tom has always been amazed by the cathedral like way in which data…


All Episodes

Apr 9, 2024

Did Open Tofu steal new Terraform code?!

Do you remember a few episodes ago, when Chunga said “The tech industry is terrible at this! We’re the worst I’ve ever seen, in any industry, when it comes to taking 20-steps to do something, when it can be done in two!” This episode of The Hacks, is…

Apr 2, 2024

XZ Backdoor CVE Targets Linux!!

Tom and Chunga have a good one for you today! Late last week, news broke that an extremely dangerous backdoor CVE, built within the XZ compression library had compromised Linux Debian Unstable and Fedora 40-41. Fortunately, was discovered…

Mar 26, 2024

Another One Bites The Dust!

Tom tells people a lot… a lot. When you choose to pick up or “adopt” open source software, you take on a certain level of liability. If you choose to deploy open source software into your infrastructure you run the risk of that software going away!…

Mar 19, 2024

What Is DBOS? Will It Change Infrastructure Forever?

Chunga noticed somehting recently, and he’s wondering if it’s symptomatic of a larger problem. A few weeks ago, a video game emulator company called “Yuzu” was sued by Nintendo. Yuzu folded and disappeared almost immediately. Since then, several other…

Mar 12, 2024

AMD & Intel Have An Open Source Answer to CUDA!

Score another one for Tom Hatch! He and Chunga have been trying to get to this episode for weeks! As all of you know, Nvidia is king. At the first of the year, Tom said that if AMD and Intel wanted to have any hope being…

Mar 5, 2024

Video Game Emulators Are In BIG Trouble!

Tom is THRILLED!!! KDE 6 is out! (crickets). Sorry Tom, nobody cares. Is that what Tom and Chunga are talking about today? KDE 6? Uh… No. Chunga doesn’t really care either. Instead, they’re talking about something everyone loves,…
